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Wednesday 9 April 2008

May God Wipe All Your Tears Away

Today I pray that God will wipe all tears away from your eyes and give you peace. Whatever may be troubling you, whatever might be causing you pain, whatever may have caused you to hurt, I pray that God will bring healing to you. I pray that you will find room in your heart to allow God to minister to your spiritual needs. May all your enemies be confounded and put to shame. I pray that God will perfect that which concerns you. I pray that God will turn your mourning into dancing again and lift you from sorrow. May you be able to smile again. I pray that even though your weeping may endure for a moment, may your joy come in the morning. Whatever you are finding difficult to let go of, may God strengthen you and enable you to let go and let God move you on. I believe God is saying you have to move on, you have to let go of the pain, the hurt and the disappointments. He is calling to you to allow Him into your life. He wants to help and set you free. He cares about you and is longing for a relationship with you. His hands are stretched out to you. I pray that today will be the beginning of change in your life. May God bless you and keep you, may He lift you out of the pit of pain and anger, the pain of rejection and abuse, may He make you whole again and may the countenance of the Almighty shine upon you, remain with you and abide with you now and always. Amen.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I needed this today!