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Thursday, 28 February 2008

The Simple Things in Life

I pray today that you will appreciate the simple things in life, the rainbow across the clouds, the butterfly and it’s beauty, the rose in the garden, the birds of the air, the horse grazing on the fields. I pray today that you will appreciate that you were able to afford to eat when others could not, that you were able to get up this morning when others could not, that you are able to talk this morning when someone just lost their voice. I pray that if you have children, you will appreciate them as a gift from God, as someone somewhere is desperately looking for a child of their own. I pray that you will appreciate that you are still alive today and not take it for granted, as somebody somewhere is wishing they could live longer and spend more time with their family. I pray that you will appreciate the seasons, the sun shining and giving brightness, the moon shining, giving light, the rain falling, making our crops grow so we can have food to eat. I pray that you will appreciate every moment of everyday, as each day and each moment is precious. I pray that God will bless you as you take the time to appreciate His gift of life. I pray that the light of God will shine upon you as you take the time to appreciate the work of His creation. God bless you as you appreciate each moment of everyday. Today is a new day; I pray that you will have a blessed day today and everyday.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Things Will Get Better

I am thanking God today that you are reading this blog right now. No matter what you may be going through, I pray that joy, happiness and fulfillment will be your portion. In these hard times, I pray that God will give you wisdom to find the solution to your problems. I pray that you will have the courage to deal with the issues that trouble you in life. I pray that God will give you grace in your times of weakness. Instead of getting angry and upset with yourself and wondering how you got yourself into the situation you are in right now, I pray that you will find the courage to kneel down and ask God for help. I pray that you will finally accept your weakness and ask God for the strength to carry you through. I pray that God will restore your confidence and that if you have a low self-esteem, that His love will reassure you. I pray that you will learn to take one day and live one day at a time. As each day presents it's own challenges, I pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength needed for you to face every challenge that comes with each day. I pray that you will come to know that the battle is not yours to fight but that the battle is the Lord's. God bless you as you leave behind the worries of yesterday and learn to take one day at a time. I thank God that from this hour your depression will be lifted and that you will feel better in yourself. God bless you now and always.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Your Divine Valentine

A Valentine may play a love song for you, but God sings you the sweetest love song in the universe.
The Lord your God. …will rejoice over you with gladness. He will keep you quiet with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
A Valentine may give you flowers, but God sent you the most beautiful rose of all, Jesus.
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. (Song of Solomon 2:1)
A Valentine may take you to dinner, but God has invited you to the most amazing feast ever given.
Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! (Revelation 19:9)
A Valentine may bring you chocolate, but God provides you with something even sweeter, His Word.
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103)
A Valentine may be far away, but God is always with you.
I am with you always. (Matthew 28:20)
A Valentine may give you something, but God has given you everything.
God gives us richly all things to enjoy. (1Timothy 6:17)
A Valentine may love you for a lifetime, but God loved you before you were born and will love you for all eternity!
Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love…with loving-kindness I have drawn you. (Jeremiah 31:3)

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

May You Be Delivered From Evil

I pray for you today that whatever may seem like a mountain before you will be turned into a plain. I pray that the problems that have become a mountain in your life will be removed and you will find solutions to your problems. May all the pain you have in your heart be healed today. May the love of God embrace and surround you. May you find joy in the midst of sorrow. May you find peace in the midst of calamity. May the hand of God uphold you in your hour of weakness. May you come to a place where you can accept yourself and love yourself. May the grace of God be sufficient for you. May today be the beginning of a victorious journey for you. May you find the grace and heart to forgive others for tresspassing against you. May God bless you, bless your family, bless your friends. May God bless you at work and in your going out and coming in. May your marriage, relationship and children be blessed. May you find hope in the midst of adversity and may God deliver you from evil today and always. Amen.

This is my prayer for you. God bless you as you receive this prayer and make it yours.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Thursday, 7 February 2008

The Sacrifice Of Love

Hello again,
Yes, I keep writing about love, but I believe God wants you to understand certain things about HIM, so you can have a better and eternal life. Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d do anything for that person, yet he or she never responds, or the person does not even recognise your presence let alone give back that love in return? It hurts so bad doesn’t it? Sometimes, you get angry, but you can’t do anything because of the ‘love’ you have for the person….

Whilst in the shower this morning God told me that:
That’s how HE feels when we do not respond to HIS love
That’s how HE feels when we curse HIS name and take HIM for granted
That’s how HE feels when we don't listen to HIM, let alone acknowledge HIS presence
God has feelings and HE is talking to you right now. HE loves you so much that HE gave HIS only son as a sacrifice. Accept this love and your life will never be the same again.

Now take a moment and think, assuming that person you love, loves you back even more than you love him or her, what happens? You find yourself doing things sacrificially for each other and things work out well……that is the relationship God craves for from you.

Think about it and give it a try, human beings can and will let you down but God will never let you down ….
Bye for now and remain blessed.

(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi Daniel © All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Uncommon Love

Abba Father in Heaven,
I thank you for my sisters and brothers out there. Many are the words and thoughts of my utmost desire, but Father your son Jesus knows better than I do. Therefore, I beseech you oh Jesus to pray for my sisters and brothers.

Heal them of their heart pain, heal them of their soul pain, and heal them of the pain in their being. Touch them with your uncommon love and let them know that because there is life there is hope. Heal them from deep within where words cannot express the anguish and distraught. Heal them from every freckle of trouble that always seems to show in certain seasons in their life.

God is love and may the love of God continually dwell in you and around you.

(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi Daniel © All rights reserved.)

Monday, 4 February 2008

Strength To Persevere

This morning I think about the pain that I sometimes go through and also consider the pain of others. My prayer today is that no matter how great the pain in your heart, you will find peace in the midst of adversity. No matter how insulted you might feel right now by life, people, circumstances etc., I pray that God will give you the grace and strength to persevere. No matter how rejected you might feel today, may you find strength in your heart to continue loving the unlovable. May you find the strength to continue on this long and arduous journey, and may God be your anchor in times of weakness. May His strength be made perfect in your weakness and may He shephered you through the difficult times. God bless you as you continue and not give up. Have a lovely day.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)