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Monday 29 September 2008

Call On God And He Will Remember You

My prayer for you today is that God will remember you and act on your behalf. May God remember you even as He remembered Noah and Abraham in the Bible.

In the Bible God remembered Noah...
God remembered Abraham...
God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob...

I decree and pray today that God will also remember you as He remembered these people. In times of distress, God will remember you. In times of depression may God remember you. When the tears are flowing and you feel that no one cares, I pray that the God who remembered and did not forget to act on behalf of His people will not forget you. When you are searching for an answer and you don’t know where to turn, may God come to your aid and answer you.

God will step in on your behalf as you put your faith in Him. May God move in response to your heartfelt cries and prayers and relieve you from your distress. I pray that in the same way God remembered Rachel in the Bible (Genesis 30:22) and hearkened to her cry for a child and opened her womb so that she can have a child, may God hearken to your cries and open the windows of heaven’s blessings to bless you today, may He answer your prayers and hearken to your heart’s cries, may He hear your voice and come to your aid and answer you and resolve your dilemma and give you peace. No matter what you may be going through right now I pray that the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. May it be well with you today and always. You may not always have the answer but the answer is in Christ Jesus who died for us all. Call on Him today and everyday. May God be with you and bless you at all times.

(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

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