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My prayer for you today is that God will remember you and act on your behalf. May God remember you even as He remembered Noah and Abraham in the Bible.
In the Bible God remembered Noah...
God remembered Abraham...
God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob...
I decree and pray today that God will also remember you as He remembered these people. In times of distress, God will remember you. In times of depression may God remember you. When the tears are flowing and you feel that no one cares, I pray that the God who remembered and did not forget to act on behalf of His people will not forget you. When you are searching for an answer and you don’t know where to turn, may God come to your aid and answer you.
God will step in on your behalf as you put your faith in Him. May God move in response to your heartfelt cries and prayers and relieve you from your distress. I pray that in the same way God remembered Rachel in the Bible (Genesis 30:22) and hearkened to her cry for a child and opened her womb so that she can have a child, may God hearken to your cries and open the windows of heaven’s blessings to bless you today, may He answer your prayers and hearken to your heart’s cries, may He hear your voice and come to your aid and answer you and resolve your dilemma and give you peace. No matter what you may be going through right now I pray that the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. May it be well with you today and always. You may not always have the answer but the answer is in Christ Jesus who died for us all. Call on Him today and everyday. May God be with you and bless you at all times.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)
My prayer for you today is that whatever you might be going through right now that God will carry you and give you strength. Nobody promised us a bed of roses but God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. In these hard times when everything seems to be slipping and falling away, I pray that you will come to a place where you know that your life is more valuable than any material possession. I pray that God will make a way for you where there seems to be no way that He will create an oasis in your desert and make a way for you in the wilderness of your life. All hope is not lost and don’t give up hope. There is a solution to every problem even though when times are hard it is difficult to see where the solution will come from. Believe that God can do it and He will pull you through. I have seen Him operate in the dire situations of my life and He has pulled me through and given me hope when things were hopeless. Please don’t give up now. My God will carry you through, He will not fail you, and He will not abandon you. If He saw the children of Israel through the wilderness in the desert for 40 years and their shoes were not worn and He provided manna (food) for them, He will also provide for you if you put your trust in Him. My prayer today is that you will continue to trust in God. Speak to Him in prayer and He will answer you. He will wipe all your tears away; He will be with you and carry you through. One of His other names is Jehovah Jireh, meaning the Lord our Provider. May the Lord provide for you, your family, your children, may He promote you at work and if you are looking for a job, may He give you favour and provide you with opportunities to get a job. Fear not, only believe that all things are possible and it shall be possible for you. I pray that you will not panic or be anxious. I pray that all your disappointments will be turned into an appointment in Jesus Name. Fear not, God is able to see you through. May He wipe all your tears and fears away in Jesus Name. Amen.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)