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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

May This Be A Year of Permanent Change for You

Happy New Year to you!

I pray that this year will be a totally different year for you, an unusual year of favour, health and well being.

Every year we make resolutions and write down things we want to do and habits we would like to change. I pray that this year your change will be permanent for good in Jesus Name. We are challenged every year to meet expectations, fulfill demands and do better than the previous year. By the grace of Almighty God, you will certainly do better this year than last year. We are constantly looking forward to making changes and making things better in our lives but at the end of each year we are sometimes disappointed at how little we have achieved and how far we have gone in achieving the goals we set at the beginning of the year. This year may your expectations not be cut off in Jesus Name. Usually we start each New Year with a lot of hope and enthusiasm but at the end of the year we are left with not much hope so we look forward to the next year with more promises and new resolutions. This year I pray will be a fulfilling year for you.

May your home be restored and filled with peace, may your children be blessed and protected by the Spirit of the Lord. He has given His angels charge over you and your family lest you dash your foot against a stone. May you never strike your foot against a stone. This year you will not mourn in Jesus Name. Disaster will not come near your dwelling. God will make you and your loved ones dwell in safety and He will watch over you and perfect that which concerns you. May your marriage be blessed, may your extended family be blessed, may you be satisfied with good things and may you grow in the knowledge of the Lord more and more. Whatever may be broken in your relationships either in your marriage, family or friends, may it be restored back to its former glory in Jesus Name. As from today, I decree peace to you in your home and I break every cord of strife over your life and your family life. It shall be well with you this year and beyond and you shall have every reason to rejoice in Jesus Name. You will achieve the unachievable and God will do the impossible for you. You will experience God in a very different and dynamic way this year and He will reveal a different dimension of Himself to you. This year may your hunger and thirst for His righteousness be greater in you.

You will live and not die

You will live and not die. Repeat it to yourself, “I will live and not die”. Say it again, “I will live and not die”. Again, “I will live and not die in Jesus Name!” I agree with you, heaven has heard your confession and the whole of heaven agrees with you. It is done. You shall live and not die! Speak to your dry bones and they shall live! Your finances shall come back to life, your job shall live, your home shall live, your family shall live, your health shall be alive and vibrant, you will not die, your finances will not dry up, your marriage shall live, there will be no death in all that concerns you and you will hear good news in Jesus Name.

If you are single, you will marry. You will not just marry anybody; you will marry the right person whom God has chosen for you. You will not marry a counterfeit, a Jezebel or a liar. You will not marry someone else’s wife or husband, you will marry your own, the person that God has predestined for you before the beginning of time. There shall be no barrenness in you or in your seed. Even in old age, you will still marry. God has not written you off so no man has the right to write you off. Please do not write yourself off and don’t give up. Even though it may tarry, it shall surely come to pass. For those of you who have waited for so long, be still and know that He is God. Concerning you, He will not fail to deliver.

The Secret to Success

I would like to share what the Lord ministered to me at the beginning of this year regarding why we do not accomplish much with our yearly resolutions, goals and visions and why we sometimes end up being disappointed by the end of the year. I hope that you will be blessed and inspired by it. Please take your time and carefully read to the end.

The Lord shared with me that in order for us to achieve the goals, visions and resolutions set, we must first of all recognise and acknowledge His Holy Spirit as a Person and not a thing. He said we live our lives wanting much and demanding a lot but we fail to recognise that He does nothing without the participation of the Holy Spirit. Do you know that the Holy Spirit is not a Dove? He is a person. He is not wind or fog, He is a person. He is not fire, He is not an “it”, He is…“Him”. He is alive; He is a person, the third person of the Trinity. He is not some wind blowing everywhere, He is a person. He talks, He thinks and He plans. Wind cannot talk, fire cannot counsel, a Dove cannot teach. All these are just symbols. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, our mentor and our counsellor.

We have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We would usually recognise and acknowledge the first two persons in the Trinity but we fail to recognise or communicate with the third person. The Lord said I should bring it to your attention that they are three in One and that the Holy Spirit is the very Spirit of the Living God. He cannot and should not be separated from the other two. The three do not do anything without the participation of the other, which is why they are three in One. They are in unity; they work in unity and they do not do anything without each other. The Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the heart of God unto men. He is the voice of the Godhead to us.

If you want to know the secret of success then you must come into partnership with the Holy Spirit. If you really want to hear from God, then you must come into partnership with the Holy Spirit. If you want fulfillment in life, then you must come into partnership with the Holy Spirit. He is the secret of success. God said He will reveal to us the hidden riches of the secret places, you will never find the secret places without revelation from the Holy Spirit. He is the One that reveals all truth. If you want your desires to be granted then you must delight yourself in the Lord and acknowledge His Holy Spirit as a person to be communicated with and not to be ignored. He doesn’t want a passive, dead and silent relationship. He wants and longs for an active relationship with you. The Holy Spirit talks, He thinks and He plans. God has plans for you this year, He is thinking about you right now and He wants to talk with you and share with you all the plans He has for you. He is asking that you come closer and spend time with Him. The Bible mentions Him as being our Teacher, our Helper, our Guide, our Comforter. He is our Mentor. He leads and He guides. He wants to teach you and show you the way you should go. He wants to use you to change and transform lives. He is alive, He is a person and he desires an active relationship with you.

Without you asking Him to help you this year, you are already destined for failure. If you want to be great, acknowledge the Holy Spirit, talk to Him, spend time with Him. If you want to write successful books that will minister to the world, invite the Holy Spirit to teach you how to write, acknowledge your weakness and allow Him to be your strength. He does not take over unless He is invited. He is not rude, He is sweet and gentle. So why don’t you invite Him in right now and just
pray this prayer:

“Holy Spirit, Spirit of the living God, I invite you right now to come and play an active role in my life. I repent and I am sorry for not acknowledging your person like I should. Help me to develop an active relationship with you. Help me and teach me to hear your voice. Help me to be dependent on you and the wisdom you impart into me. Teach me to know you, recognise you and acknowledge you in all that I do. Whenever I ignore you, help me to be aware and turn back to you. I want to talk with you, walk with you, fellowship with you and spend more time with you. Help me to find and create time for you. You are a significant part of my life and I need you now more than ever before. I need you in my home, in my family and in all that I do. Come and help me at work, help my marriage, help my relationships. Teach me to be a good wife, a good husband, a good father, a good mother and a good friend. Help me to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God. Help me in my areas of weakness and develop your strength in me. Help me to be confident and be content with what I have and who I am. I want to know you more. Help me to know you more. Teach me to pray, teach me to love and help me to be who you want me to be. Help me to be as bold as a lion, so I can declare your Word to others who do not know you. Most of all, I ask you to help me to love my neighbour as myself. Please forgive me of all acts of unrighteousness and renew your Spirit within me. All these I ask of the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit for agreeing with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to be my Comforter, my Helper, my Aid and my Guide. Take your place in me now and let the will of the Father be done in me.” Amen.

(Written by Ladé Ajumobi, 2010 © All rights reserved.)