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Saturday, 24 October 2009

May God Help You In Times of Weakness

Our emotions have a great effect on our lives and on the lives of others. We cannot stop them from coming but we have a choice as to the level of control it has over our lives.

I pray for you today that you will be slow to anger and exercise more patience in your life. I pray that you will give others the benefit of the doubt and learn to pray for and forgive those who have hurt you. I know this cannot always be easy, but my prayer is that God will give you the strength and grace so that you will be able to maintain peace in your own life by not allowing others to control your emotions and get you angry all the time. If you can control your anger, you will have greater understanding of how to deal with the same issue next time, but if you are quick to anger and you allow people to push you into losing your temper all the time, this will expose your weakness as a person. It will give others the opportunity to have a bad opinion of you and you might be made to look foolish and embarrassed.

God cares about you and He will perfect that which concerns you. He loves you dearly. He knows we are not perfect and we all have areas of weakness. The Bible mentions that His power will be made perfect in our weakness. He is always willing to help if we cry out to Him and ask Him to help us. I pray that God will perfect His power in you and help you to overcome any form of weakness in your life.

His thoughts towards you are of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end. You are an overcomer. I pray that you will overcome all obstacles and any form of weakness that may cause you to lose control of your emotions. May the goodness of God follow you wherever you go, may His mercy abound towards you and may His favour never depart from you and your household.

I pray that you will learn to exercise patience in all that you do and as you do this, may the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

In the words of Elizabeth Kenny, “He who angers you conquers you.” I pray that you will not allow anyone to anger you. May God bless you as you learn to exercise more patience. In the words of St. Augustine,
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”

(Written by Ladé © 2009 All rights reserved.)

Monday, 5 October 2009

May God Strengthen and Increase You

God is the great I AM. He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider. May He provide for you today and evermore. He is Jehovah Shammah, the Lord who is always there. May the Lord always be there in every moment of your day. He is Jehovah Shalom, your peace. May the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. He is Jehovah Nissi, your banner. His banner over you is love. May you know and come to experience His love in a very deep and special way. He is Jehovah Rapha, your healer. If you are going through any form of pain, may He be your Healer. He is Jehovah-Raah, your Shepherd. As a shepherd watches over his sheep, may the Lord continually watch over you and protect you from any form of evil. He is Adonai, your Master and Jehovah Mekoddishkem, the Lord Who sanctifies you. May the Lord lead you and direct you, may He sanctify you and give you peace in these troubled times.

The Bible mentions God as being El-Shaddai, the many breasted One. No matter how many of His children seek Him for help, he will never deny nor turn any one away. He always has a listening ear to hear our cries. I pray at this moment in time that God will hear all your heart’s cries. God is right now listening to those deep things that you find difficult to share with someone else. My prayer is that you will trust Him enough to let go and let Him take those worries from you. He cares for you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. I feel God saying to you, “Trust Me in this, I will not let you down”.

Maybe things have not been so great lately, maybe a lot has been going wrong in your life and things are probably not working out as you hoped it would. I encourage you to calm down and take one day at a time; do not take on tomorrow’s burdens today. Learn to leave the pain and disappointment of yesterday behind and look forward to a new day. The day has a way of working itself out if only we leave things alone and not worry ourselves thin in trying to make things happen. So, I encourage you today, why don’t you let go and let God? He is able to perfect that which concerns you. Trust in Him and He will carry you through. The pain of today is for the benefit of tomorrow. He is working it all out for your good. No matter how bad things are, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep looking forward and moving forward and you will reach where the light is. Don’t give up now, God is on your side and He will not let you down. Have hope and it shall be well with you.

God bless you today and always. Weeping may endure for a moment, but your joy will come in the morning!
(Written by Ladé, 2009 © All rights reserved.)