Maybe you are looking for someone to hold your hands and pray with you or you are looking for someone to talk to about an issue that is private to you and you find difficult to share with anyone else, you might just be looking for a listening ear or someone to lean on in difficult times but you find there is usually nobody available at the time you need it most. Maybe you are feeling alone at this moment in your life. My prayer for you today is that you will lean on God’s everlasting Arms. He is your shelter and your dwelling place. He is big enough to handle all your affairs and deliver you from any form of trouble. The Bible says His arms are not too short to save. I want to reassure you today that as God saved the children of Israel from the hands of the Philistines in the Bible days of old, so will He save you from the hands of all your enemies. I pray that no matter what you might be going through right now, you will put your entire trust in God and He will carry you through. The Bible says He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him, because they trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3). Putting your trust in God is key to your victory being made manifest and so I pray that you will lay down every burden right now, take those bills, put them on a table, lay your hands on them, surrender them to God and pray over the bills, pray over your children, pray for your husband or wife, pray over your job that you will not lose it, pray for God to protect your family from harm, pray that His peace will be your guide, His peace will be your anchor, His peace will bring understanding to your situation and He will make a way out for you. Trust me, He has done it for me and He can do it for you too. You are His child, the work of His hands, the Bible says that God saw everything He had made and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). God saw you the work of His hands and it was very good in His eyes. You may not look good in the eyes of man but in the eyes of God, He sees you as very good. I pray that He will be sufficient for you and that all your disappointments will be turned around for good. Have hope; don’t give up because He cares for you.
You Are Enough As You Are!
[image: Psalm 139:13-14 (37 kb)]
Do you know how beautiful you are? Perhaps you've been made to feel insecure
by other people’s comments and the way they...