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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

May God's Anchor of Peace Keep You Steady

My prayer for you today is that no matter what your circumstances may be, the anchor of peace will keep you steady. I pray that you will not give up now that you’ve come so far in the journey. Your destination has been mapped out by God and He will never fail because He said His Words will never fail. May His perfect peace navigate you through the storms of life as you steady your mind on Him.

Peace is a blessing from God, it is meant to guard and guide you. I pray that you will not abandon ship whilst it is still at sea because you will run the risk of drowning. God wants to keep you in perfect peace but He requires that your mind be stayed on Him and that you wholly put your trust in Him. Haven’t you struggled enough? He is the author and the giver of peace. You cannot find peace when you wrongly focus on the negative. Peace does not come by arguing, it does not come through avarice (an extremely strong want to get or keep money or possessions). Peace does not come by accommodating enemies such as envy, anger and pride. Perfect peace can only be achieved by staying, focusing and putting your trust in God. He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He loves you and He is willing to help but you must be totally reliant on Him.

Today, my prayer for you is in Psalm 91,

May God be your refuge and strength; may He be a very present help in your time of trouble. I pray therefore that you will not fear, even though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Though it’s waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with it’s swelling.

I pray you will experience the river of peace, whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of you. You shall not be moved by the spirit of adversity, raging storms or the turbulence of life. God shall help you just at the break of dawn. May God utter His voice concerning you and may the mountain of your problems melt away in Jesus Name. The LORD of Hosts is with you; the God of Jacob is your refuge.

I pray that you will be still and know that He is God; He will be exalted among the nations; He will be exalted in the earth. He will be exalted in your circumstances; He will be exalted in your home, in your marriage, in your ministry and in all that concerns you.

The LORD of Hosts is with you; the God of Jacob is your refuge.
Say it and confess it, “The LORD of Hosts is with me, (put your name here); the God of Jacob is my refuge.

I agree and believe with you that the LORD of Hosts is with you; the God of Jacob will never leave nor forsake you.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Congratulations, you’ve got the victory!
(Written by Ladé, 2009 © All rights reserved.)

Saturday, 24 October 2009

May God Help You In Times of Weakness

Our emotions have a great effect on our lives and on the lives of others. We cannot stop them from coming but we have a choice as to the level of control it has over our lives.

I pray for you today that you will be slow to anger and exercise more patience in your life. I pray that you will give others the benefit of the doubt and learn to pray for and forgive those who have hurt you. I know this cannot always be easy, but my prayer is that God will give you the strength and grace so that you will be able to maintain peace in your own life by not allowing others to control your emotions and get you angry all the time. If you can control your anger, you will have greater understanding of how to deal with the same issue next time, but if you are quick to anger and you allow people to push you into losing your temper all the time, this will expose your weakness as a person. It will give others the opportunity to have a bad opinion of you and you might be made to look foolish and embarrassed.

God cares about you and He will perfect that which concerns you. He loves you dearly. He knows we are not perfect and we all have areas of weakness. The Bible mentions that His power will be made perfect in our weakness. He is always willing to help if we cry out to Him and ask Him to help us. I pray that God will perfect His power in you and help you to overcome any form of weakness in your life.

His thoughts towards you are of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end. You are an overcomer. I pray that you will overcome all obstacles and any form of weakness that may cause you to lose control of your emotions. May the goodness of God follow you wherever you go, may His mercy abound towards you and may His favour never depart from you and your household.

I pray that you will learn to exercise patience in all that you do and as you do this, may the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

In the words of Elizabeth Kenny, “He who angers you conquers you.” I pray that you will not allow anyone to anger you. May God bless you as you learn to exercise more patience. In the words of St. Augustine,
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”

(Written by Ladé © 2009 All rights reserved.)

Monday, 5 October 2009

May God Strengthen and Increase You

God is the great I AM. He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider. May He provide for you today and evermore. He is Jehovah Shammah, the Lord who is always there. May the Lord always be there in every moment of your day. He is Jehovah Shalom, your peace. May the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. He is Jehovah Nissi, your banner. His banner over you is love. May you know and come to experience His love in a very deep and special way. He is Jehovah Rapha, your healer. If you are going through any form of pain, may He be your Healer. He is Jehovah-Raah, your Shepherd. As a shepherd watches over his sheep, may the Lord continually watch over you and protect you from any form of evil. He is Adonai, your Master and Jehovah Mekoddishkem, the Lord Who sanctifies you. May the Lord lead you and direct you, may He sanctify you and give you peace in these troubled times.

The Bible mentions God as being El-Shaddai, the many breasted One. No matter how many of His children seek Him for help, he will never deny nor turn any one away. He always has a listening ear to hear our cries. I pray at this moment in time that God will hear all your heart’s cries. God is right now listening to those deep things that you find difficult to share with someone else. My prayer is that you will trust Him enough to let go and let Him take those worries from you. He cares for you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. I feel God saying to you, “Trust Me in this, I will not let you down”.

Maybe things have not been so great lately, maybe a lot has been going wrong in your life and things are probably not working out as you hoped it would. I encourage you to calm down and take one day at a time; do not take on tomorrow’s burdens today. Learn to leave the pain and disappointment of yesterday behind and look forward to a new day. The day has a way of working itself out if only we leave things alone and not worry ourselves thin in trying to make things happen. So, I encourage you today, why don’t you let go and let God? He is able to perfect that which concerns you. Trust in Him and He will carry you through. The pain of today is for the benefit of tomorrow. He is working it all out for your good. No matter how bad things are, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep looking forward and moving forward and you will reach where the light is. Don’t give up now, God is on your side and He will not let you down. Have hope and it shall be well with you.

God bless you today and always. Weeping may endure for a moment, but your joy will come in the morning!
(Written by Ladé, 2009 © All rights reserved.)

Thursday, 14 May 2009

May You Be Grateful and Give Thanks

My prayer for you today is that you will be grateful and content with what you have. My prayer is not that you be like the Jones’ and have what they have but that you will be yourself and be content with what you have and who you are. I pray that you will not be covetous and be competitive with friends or neighbours but that you will be happy and content no matter how small your belongings or worth in life. It is not what you have that makes you who you are it is who you are that determines how far you get in life. Life is not dictated by your friends or neighbours, life is what you make it. Quit looking at others and be content with what you have. Quit wanting to be someone else other than who God has created you to be. Lack of contentment leads to dissatisfaction, greed and covetousness.

1 Timothy 6:6 says Godliness with contentment is great gain and Proverbs 23:18 says your expectation shall not be cut off.

As you become content with what you have and who you are, God will bless and increase you, He will meet you at your point of need and your expectation shall not be cut off in Jesus Name. May God open unto you the windows of heaven’s blessings and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to contain it, may doors of opportunities open for you and may men pour into your bosom, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over. Most of all I pray that you will appreciate that your heavenly Father knows what your needs are, He knows what your heart’s cries are and He hears you and is willing to answer. Give Him thanks today and everyday as you present your needs before Him because He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can expect or think and He will do it for you.

May God bless you today and always.
(Written by Ladé © 2009 All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

May God give you peace in the midst of turbulence

When a plane is in the air and there is turbulence, people become frightened, some panic and others begin to pray. In the midst of the financial turbulence, the credit crunch that the world is experiencing right now, I pray that you will be able to stand and pray more than you have done before. I pray that God will open your eyes and give you wisdom to see how you can change and manage your finances better. I believe the Lord is saying to me that some of us have made bad decisions in our financial affairs and this is why we are in the position that we find ourselves right now. You may not have needed to have that credit card that is now maxed out, the loan that you got from the bank may not have been necessary and the advice you were given may have been the wrong advice or you may have made wrong choices in your decision making. In spite of all these, God is here to help.

My prayer is that the turbulence will not destroy you. The Bible says He will make a way where there is no way; He will create an Oasis in the desert. Do you feel like you are in a desert right now? God is willing to help. Though He did not make your decisions for you and He played no part in the choices you made, He is willing to lend a hand and create an oasis in the midst of your desert. Your circumstances, debt, troubles, perplexities etc, may feel like a Boa Constrictor around your neck trying to squeeze and crunch you out, God is asking me to let you know that if you surrender all to Him today, He will help you out of this dark tunnel and make a way out for you. Many have committed suicide because of the current financial crisis, I pray that you will not think that way or consider going in the same direction. Money cannot buy life, your life is more important than money. The Bible says you are worth much more than many sparrows. Whilst you have life, there is hope. I pray that your expectation will not be cut off and that God will give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you need so that you can face your Goliath and knock it down.

You might be experiencing sudden turbulence at this time, perhaps a sudden bad turn at home, a change at work or the sudden threat of losing your job. You may have even lost your job and you are wondering where the next manna is going to come from. You might be experiencing a lot of sudden change in the family or even amongst friends. Please be assured that all is not lost, this circumstance too will change, and it will pass. The Bible says that heaven and earth shall pass away but the Word of God will not pass away. Anything on earth is subject to change, including your circumstance, no matter how bad it might be right now, it is subject to change. Just like time passes and no man can hold down the hour, so shall your circumstance pass and your change will come. Believe me your change will come if you persevere and not give up. I pray that God will strengthen you in your inner man so that you can stand solid and not be moved by any form of turbulence in your life.

Don’t give up now, you must seek help, God says I must tell you to seek help today. Find a debt counsellor, a marriage counsellor, a prayer partner, a pastor, reverend or someone to pray for you and with you. Support is what you need at this time, go out and get it; God has made it available for you. You cannot handle the situation alone so stop struggling and let others help. Getting drunk is not the answer, overdosing is not the answer, getting angry is not the answer, isolating yourself and digging your head in the sand is not the answer. Christ is the answer. So why don’t you give Him a chance today. Ask Him to come into your life, lay all your burdens at the foot of the Cross, let Him take all your pain, worry, anxiety, sadness and sorrow, and He will give you peace in return. Surrender all to Him now, He is willing to help and carry you through the turbulence so you can land safely. Repent of all your sins and actions and turn a new leaf today.

You are not alone, there are thousands of others like you around the world crying out in the same way you are and going through the same pain you are feeling right now but the exit out of the pain is a matter of choice. You have to make up your mind that you will not give in. What will your decision be today, are you going to carry on carrying your burdens alone or are you going to lift it up to the One who cares more than you can imagine and is able to take it all from you if you surrender it all to Him? I pray that you will lift it all to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Lean on Him today, He does not fail and He will not disappoint. I pray that all will be well with you and that the peace of God will come and reign in your heart, in your home, your finances, in your family, your children, your job and all that concerns you.

My prayers are with you even as you make the most important decision of your life. Try Him today and you will not regret it. May God bless you and keep you under His wings.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Friday, 20 March 2009

May God Always Be There for You

Maybe you are looking for someone to hold your hands and pray with you or you are looking for someone to talk to about an issue that is private to you and you find difficult to share with anyone else, you might just be looking for a listening ear or someone to lean on in difficult times but you find there is usually nobody available at the time you need it most. Maybe you are feeling alone at this moment in your life. My prayer for you today is that you will lean on God’s everlasting Arms. He is your shelter and your dwelling place. He is big enough to handle all your affairs and deliver you from any form of trouble. The Bible says His arms are not too short to save. I want to reassure you today that as God saved the children of Israel from the hands of the Philistines in the Bible days of old, so will He save you from the hands of all your enemies. I pray that no matter what you might be going through right now, you will put your entire trust in God and He will carry you through. The Bible says He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him, because they trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3). Putting your trust in God is key to your victory being made manifest and so I pray that you will lay down every burden right now, take those bills, put them on a table, lay your hands on them, surrender them to God and pray over the bills, pray over your children, pray for your husband or wife, pray over your job that you will not lose it, pray for God to protect your family from harm, pray that His peace will be your guide, His peace will be your anchor, His peace will bring understanding to your situation and He will make a way out for you. Trust me, He has done it for me and He can do it for you too. You are His child, the work of His hands, the Bible says that God saw everything He had made and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). God saw you the work of His hands and it was very good in His eyes. You may not look good in the eyes of man but in the eyes of God, He sees you as very good. I pray that He will be sufficient for you and that all your disappointments will be turned around for good. Have hope; don’t give up because He cares for you.

May Jehovah Shammah, the Lord who is always there continue to be there for you now and forever in Jesus Name. Amen.
(Written by Ladé, 2009 © All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

You Are Destined To Make It, You Will Not Fail

If someone ever called you a failure, this means that God has destined you for success. If you are feeling frail and tired, the Bible says, “Let the weak say I am strong.” If all your bills are not coming together, this is an opportunity for you to exercise your faith and believe that Jehovah Jireh, our Provider who provides for the birds of the field without them asking for food, will also provide all your needs. If all hell has broken loose on you, this means all heaven is working it together for your good so that you will have an expected and successful end. Without war there is no victory, fix your eyes on victory and hang on to the anchor of hope. Your victory is in your faith and confession. If you believe that this trial will pass, then it will. This trial is not forever, believe me it is just another season in your life, it will definitely pass if you hang on and don’t give up. Don’t let go, the Bible says after you’ve done all you know to do, stand therefore. Please keep standing even if it seems there is no solution to your problems right now; there is always light at the end of the tunnel. This may be your darkest hour but there is light at the end. Weeping may endure for a moment but your joy will come in the morning. God will bring light, peace, solution, answer, provision, love, and all that you need and more your way if you hold on to Him and not give up. God cares more than we can imagine but the devil makes us believe he does not answer our prayers and that He is not bothered about our pain. He would not have sent His only begotten Son to die for us if this was so.

Believe me, if you are down right now and feeling depressed, there is hope for you, as this is your opportunity to surrender all to God and God’s opportunity to prove to you that He is able to carry you through and provide all your needs but you need to put your trust in Him rather than worry. Worry will not add anything to your life; it only takes away from you, leaving you with sickness and anxiety. This is not your portion. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can expect or think, so hang in there, surrender all to Him and don’t give up. Everything in life is temporary and subject to change, the only thing that never changes is the Word of God, it is the same today, yesterday and forever. So, go tell all your enemies you are going to make it, as God has not given up on you yet!

My Word for you today is in Isaiah 26:3-4 (Amplified Bible)

3You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

4So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].

May God continue to guard and guide you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace in these most difficult times. Remember to pray for others even as you pray for yourself and God will bless you.
(Written by Ladé, 2009 © All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Whatever It Is, May God Pull You Through

My prayer for you today is that in this season of your life, whether you feel you are in the season of lack or in the season of abundance that you will remember that seasons change and there is a time for everything.

At a time when the whole world is going through a very tough and difficult season, we must remember even in our distress that there will eventually be a turn around.

The greatest weapon of the enemy against any person is fear. That is why the Word of God instructs us not to fear but only to believe. Today, I pray that you will believe that there is going to be a turn around for you in your life and situation. I pray that your fear will be turned into faith. I pray that your worries will have solutions, I pray that all will be well with you and your family.

Believe me, there is a way out of every tunnel, there is a light at the end of your tunnel. You still have a destiny and I pray that your destiny will not be cut off. There is something good about you, believe in yourself. If you are having the fear of losing your job, your family, your wealth and all that you’ve worked hard and believed for, I pray that the Lord God of Israel will carry you and sustain you. If you are having the fear of your property being repossessed, I pray that God will make a way for you to find favour in the sight of your bankers and send help your way. I pray that you will hold on to the anchor of hope and expectation and your expectation will not be cut off. Hang in there even though it seems like all hope is lost.

I pray that God will give you wisdom so that you can make constructive decisions that will bring a positive change in your household. You are not a mistake, you are not a failure, and you have not failed, keep trying and hold on to the anchor of hope and faith. I pray that you will not fail and you will not fall. Have hope and all will come out for your good. If you keep persevering, you will pull through.

At the end of the day, I pray that you will be able to testify of the goodness of God in your life. There is no testimony without a test, even Jesus was tested on the Cross of Calvary when he was hanged to die for you and for me. All hope is not lost, the world is confused and has lost all that it has ever held on to, but we are not meant to hold on to the material where there is no hope, we are meant to hold on to the everlasting Arms of God, the Eternal Rock of Ages, who never sleeps nor slumbers. The Bible says that the Lord is your Keeper and He is your shade on your right hand. May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you His peace that passes all understanding. May it guide your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Hang in there and keep praying. Prayer changes things.

My scripture for you today is in Psalm 3:5-7 (New International Version)

5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.

6 I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.

7 Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.

God bless you as you put your trust in Him. May you have a blessed New Year.

(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)