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Friday, 13 June 2008

May God Bless You Today

May God bless you today
And keep you always
May all your enemies be confounded
And put to shame
May you be the head
Not the tail
May you arise
And begin to shine
May you shine and be enriched
May the One who neither sleeps nor slumber
Watch over you
May you know today that you are beautiful
You are not ugly
Nothing is ugly
Because God the creator is beautiful
May you blossom like a flower
May you prosper
And be in good health
May your soul prosper
May you never lack any good thing
May you never beg for bread nor want for anything
May all that you do prosper
May today be the beginning of a new chapter
For you and all that you love
Remain blessed
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Monday, 9 June 2008

May God Open New Doors For You

Today I pray that the God of open doors will open new doors of opportunity for you. I pray that no man shall be able to shut the doors that God opens for you. May God open the doors of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing that you will not have enough room to contain it. May you lend unto many and borrow from none. May your barn and your storehouse be full. I pray that you will be able to pay all your debts and owe no man anything. May God open double doors for you and may you be surprised by the abundance of His blessings. As you look out for others God will look out for you and bless you, He will multiply you, keep you and protect you. As you help to meet the needs of others, God will not overlook your needs. May He bless you in your going in and your coming out. May God rain His abundance upon you and your family and may you blessed in the city and in the country. May your offspring be blessed and may whatever you lay your hands on prosper. Peace be unto you now and always.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)