My prayer for you today is that God will give you wisdom to invest your time properly so that you do not regret tomorrow what you could have done today. I pray that you will have peace so you can think properly and make good decisions. I pray that you will find the time to take a few minutes today to meditate on the goodness of God. He spared your life today; you slept and woke up while somebody somewhere did not. You were able to walk this morning while somebody somewhere could not, you have your hands to use, your eyes to see, your mouth to talk. Somebody was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night while you were sleeping. All that you have is a blessing and I pray that you will be thankful for it.
I pray that you will be grateful for whatever little you have, as someone in another part of the world is still craving to have just a little of what you have. I pray that you will be able to help the poor and give some of your blessing to charity, as charities work hard to make sure that others have the same opportunity to be blessed with some food just as you are blessed today. I pray that your heart will be sensitive to the needs of those around you and that you will be able to lend a helping hand in time of need. God is not wicked, He needs you and I to make the world a better place. We are His hands to feed others with, we are His feet to reach others, we are His mouth, to speak His word and pray for others and we are to be a witness of His character so that men may see His light in us. When a man cries to God, “please give us our daily bread”, I pray that you will be the answer to that prayer. I pray that you will not withhold good while it is in your hand to do it.
I pray that your house will be a house of prayer, a house of peace, a house of unity and a house of blessing. I pray that God will pour out his blessing upon you and your entire family as you stand in the gap for others. I pray that you will learn to pray for others and invest your time with God. Finally, I pray that you will appreciate the blessing of God and receive His love in your life. He values you, He loves you, He appreciates you and He holds you dear to His heart. He wants to fellowship with you. He cares about you, what you are thinking, what you are doing and the affairs of your life. Your pain is His pain and your joy is His Joy. He watches over you and He has sent His angels to watch over you. He sent His Son to die for you. He is concerned about you. He is a Big Teddy Bear with a tender heart for humanity and He wants to use you to share His love with others. May you able to submit to His will and appreciate Him in your life today and always. Amen.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)