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Thursday 15 May 2008

God's Response to Your Prayer - He wants to speak to you

My prayer for you today is that you will be still and listen to the voice of God. His still small voice wants to speak with you. Your life is in His hands. It is time to give him time to talk and direct you. You may have been asking questions but not giving Him the time to talk and respond. The voices around you are so noisy that you are not used to hearing the voice of God within your spirit. His voice is not loud, it is in the still small voice, it is in your heart and you can hear His voice if you discipline yourself enough and are willing to take time to meditate and shut out all the distractions around you. God is saying to me to tell you that He wants to respond to all your questions and give you answers. God spoke to Abraham in the Bible,

Genesis 17:22
“When He had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him.”

He also spoke to Moses,

Exodus 31:18 "When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.”

God wants to speak to you today just like He spoke to Abraham and Moses in the Bible, He is willing to respond if you are willing to take the time to listen. He wants to instruct you, direct you and point you in the way of your destiny. If you don’t know how to hear His voice, talk to Him in prayer and ask Him to teach you how to hear His voice. Try and you’ll see that you will get a response because He does not lie. This is what the Bible says about Him,

Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

He surely wants to fulfill His promises in your life. He hasn’t changed His mind about you and I pray He never will. If you don’t listen, how will you know what to do? An answer from God will bring clarity to your life and make your path straight. An answer from God can turn your whole life around and release you from years of hopelessness, confusion and bondage. A word from God can prevent you from harm and destruction. What if you were to travel and God spoke to you asking you not to travel, would you still go ahead with your plans? God forbid that anything bad should happen, what if He was trying to stop you from being harmed or preventing you from an accident? It is very crucial that we hear and listen to God when He speaks. There is a reason why He speaks and instructs so that we do not make mistakes that can cost us our lives. Our relationship with God is a two-way relationship, just like in marriage; both partners have to take the time to listen to each other and fellowship together. Would it not be selfish on the one part if only one partner speaks all the time and the other doesn’t get the chance to get a word in? God would like you to give Him the opportunity to get a word into your spirit, you have prayed enough, now is the time to listen. I pray that you will stop for a moment, meditate on Him and be still so that you can hear what He has to say to you. God has heard you, He has heard your cries, your prayers, your requests, now is the time for an answer and He says that I should tell you that He wants to speak to you NOW, TODAY. Will you listen? God bless you as you take the time to listen to the voice of wisdom.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

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